Rules for the appointment and payment of state benefits to families with children have been developed

The draft order of the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On approval of the Rules for the appointment and payment of state benefits to families with children» was posted on March 10, 2023 for public discussion on the Internet portal of open regulatory legal acts. The order was developed to implement the Social Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The draft order contains the procedure for the appointment and payment of the following benefits: a one-time state allowance in connection with the birth of a child; a monthly state allowance for the care of a child upon reaching the age of one and a half years; monthly state allowance to large families with four or more minor children living together, including children studying full-time in organizations of secondary, technical and vocational, post-secondary, higher or postgraduate education, after they reach the age of 18 until the time of graduation from educational organizations (but not more than until they reach 24-years of age); monthly state allowance to mothers awarded with «Altyn alka», «Kumis alka» pendants or who previously received the title of «Mother-heroine», awarded with the orders of «Maternal glory» I and II degrees.
You can find out about the current procedure for the appointment and payment of any benefits through the Need Help mobile application.